“Epic Fun Baccarat,” featuring Macau’s newest side bet, ‘Lucky 6 2/3 Card’. With 8 betting options and a top payout of 50:1 on ‘Lucky 6 3 Cards’. The excitement of potential high rewards makes each game thrilling and engaging and lead to larger wagers, maximizing the profit per table.
Game Setup:
•Eight decks of cards used.
•Player receives the first and third cards; Banker receives the second and fourth cards.
Determining the Winner:
•Higher face value card wins; if face values are equal, higher suit rank wins.
•Only the last digit of the total points counts; possible values range from 0 to 9.
•The hand closest to 9 wins. If both handstie, it results in a tie.
Baccarat Insurance:
•Baccarat insurance is an additonal option in Baccarat that offers some protection for player’s stakes or winnings without affecting the outcome of the game.